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2014/04/22 火曜日 21:09:25 JST


   100年以上の伝統を持つ、ラトビア・ヤーゼプス・ヴィトルス・ラトビア音楽アカデミー(JVLMA)、合唱指揮科は本年1028日から11月1日の間、リガにおいて第5回国際合唱指揮者コンクールを開催します。参加資格者年齢は1984年以降生まれ。第4回JVLMA国際指揮者コンクールび”RIGA2005指揮者優勝者は対象外。   本件はJVLMAのコンクール実行(準備)委員長(アイラ ビルジーニャ Head of organizing committee)より日本からの参加者募集について協力要請があったもので、当日本ラトビア音楽協会はできるだけの協力をする方針です。


 問い合わせは加藤晴生宛 FAX 04-7132-5423



There are two fields of activities that bind Jāzeps Vītols (1863-1948), the founder of the Latvian Conservatory and its first rector (1919-1944) with a choir song. One shows the professor as a composer and creator of choir songs, the other one – as a conductor, producer and interpreter of his songs. From today’s perspective, it might seem that the weight of his composition scale is a lot heavier, a lot more meaningful, with more than a hundred original choir songs, about one hundred folk song arrangements together with cantatas and other vocal and instrumental pieces, hymns and different arrangements for a choir. Besides, among the original songs one will discover a number of songs without which the dower of the Latvian classical choir songs today would be inconceivable.However, going deeper into the historical evidence we realize that without the practical experience as a conductor the creative weight of the other scale would not have been that rich and of such high quality because Vītols had been learning about a choir ‘from the inside’ throughout his Petersburg period where working as a teacher (from 1886) and, later as a professor (from 1901) at Petersburg Conservatory he spent 38 years altogether.He gained his first practical experience as a choir-master a few years after the graduation from the conservatory by initiating and leading a Latvian men’s double quartet. The rehearsals took place in Vītols’ apartment: ’a semicircle, one single music sheet for each group of singers; the taller ones having a candle in their hands as the room was poorly lit. We enthusiastically sang traditional songs arranged by Cimze and Jurjāns’. It was followed by a 14-year-long work with the Latvian Charitable Society choir in Petersburg which was an active participant of different Latvian events and gatherings, performing many songs, including almost all songs written by him. Although Vītols’ cooperation with St. Petersburger Liedertafel men’s choir of the Petersburg German Singing Society lasted for a short time, it had very complimentary reviews. And then – the most prolific decade in the professor’s life followed when he was a conductor of the mixed choir of the Petersburg Singing Society (1908-1918). ‘The choir took off fast both in number and quality; the society ‘Thursdays’ soon played an important role in the social aspirations of Latvians’. To become a member of the choir one had to undergo a serious selection – ‘it was the professor himself who thoroughly did the audition of the new singers’. Almost all students of the Petersburg Conservatory of that time – composers, conductors, vocalists and instrumentalists were among the choristers. Every season two representation concerts were organized, including concerts hosted by the Conservatory Hall in the last years of his work which ranked highly among the Latvian gatherings in Petersburg.The Petersburg Singing Society choir was successful in the so-called ‘choir battles’ of the 5thSong Festival (1910) coming first together with two other competitors in the category of mixed choirs. Moreover, Vītols was the chief conductor of all three grand concerts of the festival. Professor Vītols conducted songs by G.P. Palestrina, G.F. Handel, L. van Beethoven and two of his own songs (‘Wanderer`s night song’ and ‘Prayer’) at the sacred music concert of the united choir, also ‘Blow, the Wind’ by Jurjānu Andrejs, two of his own arrangements and three original songs, including ‘My Homeland’ for the men’s choir and ‘The Castle of Light’ at the secular music concert and the symphony sketch ‘Līgo’, the cantata ‘Song’ and the vocal/instrumental version of ‘The Bard of Beverīna’ at the symphony music concert.In the following years the Master was randomly seen conducting the joint choir, just in some concerts, in Gaujiena Song Days or conducting ‘The Castle of Light’ in the national song festival. In his ‘Memories of My Life’ written in the late 1930s he modestly admitted not being a professional conductor. He ironically remembered how happy he was during his years of study when Karl Davidov, the conductor of the students’ band and rector of the conservatory at that time, ‘laughingly set me free from the crazy baton and evaluating my total worthlessness replaced me. I was wise enough not to dream about the conductor’s future glory’. Never dreamed about it but received it deservedly. More importantly, acquired a unique experience as a choir music composer.The choir song in the wide sense of the word went side by side with Vītols throughout his creative life: the two first were written as an assignment in the department of composition under Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, while the last one was a dedication to the men’s choir ‘Goldsmith’ conducted by Roberts Zuika, which was given to the conductor on the last day of the professor’s life. Significantly, even the first early songs ‘Birch Tree on the Moor’ and ‘Prayer’ bear many of the signs by which we recognize the hand of Vītols in his prime of life-harmonic purity, timbre richness, extremely flexible flow of voices together with a vividly marked pattern development of each song. These qualities are present in all our particularly favorite songs although different if genre and content of ballads (‘The Bard of Beverīna’, ‘Three Sacred Oak Trees’, ‘The Castle of Light’, etc.) and dramatic songs (‘The King’s Daughter’, ‘Dies irae’, etc.) as well as the romantic (‘The Day is Dawning’, ‘The Sun`s Revelry’, ‘The Forest Lake’, etc.) and national ones (‘Autumn’, ‘In Rīga I Bought I Bought a Grey Horse’, etc.). They form the ‘golden repertory’ of the choirs as in terms of music expression they are comparatively simple.But with the time, the composer’s requirements for the choir song and its performing standards demonstrated by the choirs changed. We can sadly agree with Vītols who confessed in 1933 that his songs had become too complicated for the choirs of that time. On the other hand, Vītols had placed his compositions in the prosperous stream of Latvian choir songs which gave fruit in last quarter of the 20th century and are still alive today. This is a chapter of Latvian choir literature which considers the choir to be a technically independent, mighty and magnificent instrument. Alas! These pieces are not manageable for every amateur choir. However, more and more often the young conductors strive to perceive and work with ‘difficult songs’ of Jāzeps Vītols. It is worth doing it, as the most wonderful world opens just before the brave and persistent conductors. One has to be exceptionally skillful to balance the individual and sophisticated performance with Vītols firm position. Yes, a composer does have the rights to speak any language but nobody will ever be allowed to neglect the logic of the music! These words of a Master equally apply to both the art of composition and the art of interpretation.To make this wish come true, we need talented, smart and hard-working conductors. To identify them and to encourage their growth is the main task of the Jāzeps Vītols 5th Choral Conductors Competition. Every success! Professor, Dr. art. Ilma Grauzdiņa


The Jāzeps Vītols 5th International Choral Conductors Competition is held in 2014 when theDepartment of Choir Conducting marks its 70th anniversary. Since the foundation of the department and establishment of professional choir conducting school, remarkable success has been achieved and more than 670 choir conductors have graduated from Jāzeps Vītols Latvian State Conservatory and JVLMA. Latvian choral art and conducting school have gained wide international recognition in choir and choral conducting competitions and festivals. TheLatvian Radio ChoirThe State Choir LatvijaRiga Chamber Choir Ave Sol alongside with several leading Latvian amateur choirs, participate in concerts organized by professional music producers and agencies all over the world. Generations of outstanding professional choir conductors such as Teodors KalniņšImants KokarsAusma DerkēvicaEdgars Račevskis,Sigvards KļavaKaspars PutniņšAndris VeismanisMāris SirmaisMārtiņš OzoliņšAinārs RubiķisKaspars ĀdamsonsJānis Liepiņš, etc. have favoured the continuity and development of the Latvian Song Celebration tradition, as well as their own world-wide identity with artistically magnificent programs.To continue the tradition of the Baltic States choral conductors competition which originated in the 1970s and to mark the 70th anniversary of the Department of Choir Conducting, JVLMA, the Jāzeps Vītols 5th International Choral Conductors Competition testifies to the high standards of Latvian choir culture and the global achievements of Latvian choral conductors. Triumphant success at different international choir and symphony orchestra conductors’ competitions during the last years (Mārtiņš Ozoliņš, Ainārs Rubiķis, Jānis Liepiņš, etc.) is a top-quality proof of the professional work of the department.The aim of the Jāzeps Vītols 5th International Choral Conductors Competition is to promote the culture of Latvian choral singing and the tradition of the Song Celebration worldwide, to strengthen the continuity of the Latvian and European choir conducting tradition and the prestige of the profession. The Song Celebration tradition has developed into the most significant modern Latvian national brand. It was largely possible due to the approved high professional criteria and their appropriate implementation ever since the foundation of the Department of Choir Conducting in 1944.The professional level of the conductors lies at the basis of the Song Celebration tradition, i.e. to ensure a multi-voiced a cappella choir singing. The prestige and development is only possible by setting up high professional standards in general and particularly in music education. The role of choir conductors and music teachers in the Latvian culture environment is inestimable as they bring world-wide recognition to Latvian culture and music.The Jāzeps Vītols 5th International Choral Conductors Competition will be held in cooperation with three professional choirs – the State Choir Latvija, the Latvian Radio Choir and Riga Chamber Choir Ave Sol.The mixed choir and symphony orchestra of JVLMA will also take part in the competition program. The international professional experience and success of the academic staff of the Department of Choir Conducting together with its practical experience in holding previous choir conductors competitions followed by further artistic achievements of their winners will qualify the competition as an event of high artistic value to fit in the Latvian culture calendar in 2014 when Riga is the European Capital of Culture.Associated professor, Mg. Art. Aira Birziņa 


Regulations Choral conductors, born no earlier than 1984, are eligible for participation in the competition.Winners of the first prizes in competitions “Rīga 2005” and Jāzeps Vītols 4th International Choral Conductors Competition cannot apply.Competitors have to participate in all rounds of the competition they have qualified for and in all rehearsals and concerts. The competition consists of three rounds.PRE-SELECTIONConductors having been chosen in pre-selection and having been invited to participate in the competition will take part in Round I.According to the decision of the Jury:no more than eight competitors will proceed to Round II;no more than four participants will proceed to Round III.The Mixed Choir of Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music (JVLMA) participates in Round I, the Riga Chamber Choir Ave Sol and the Latvian Radio Choir participate in Round II, the State Choir Latvija, the Mixed Choir and the Symphony Orchestra of JVLMA participate in Round III.The order of the performance for Round I and title of the composition is chosen by drawing lots before each round.
Round I
Conducting with the pianoWork with the Mixed Choir of JVLMARound IIRehearsal with the Latvian Radio ChoirRehearsal with the Riga Chamber Choir Ave SolConcert with the Latvian Radio Choir and Riga Chamber Choir Ave SolRound IIIRehearsal with the State Choir Latvija, the Mixed Choir and the Symphony Orchestra of JVLMA ConcertThe selected programme for the Round I should be stated in the application form. Recording – broadcastingThe candidates accept without remuneration the recording of the competition for any uses on radio, television and the Internet, live, recorded or in streaming with the exception of commercial exploitation.The organizers of the competition have the rights to publicize information about the competitors and their photos included in the application form and its attachments, as well as the results of the competition.


ApplicationApplicants agree to abide by the rules of the competition.Applications should be sent no later than June 30, 2014.Applications should be sent to the following address:Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music,
K. Barona Street 1, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
or to:
 Only complete applications will be accepted. They also must include the following documents:completedapplication form;Curriculum Vitae (1000–1300 characters);digital photo (JPEG format ~0,5 MB);recording of the concert or rehearsal (no less than 15 minutes in duration and no older than year 2013 – a CD, a DVD or to  このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。観覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にして下さい  in MP3, MP4 or any other popular format);copy of bank transfer of registration fee 30 EUR. The organizers of the competition keep the right to provide pre-selection of the participants after the evaluation of applications. The organizers have the rights to demand additional information about the participants of the competition. The list of the participants of the competition will be published in the competition website; competitors will be notified via e-mail byJuly 20, 2014.At registration the participant of the competition will have to present a valid passport or ID card to verify the date of birth.All candidates must arrive on time and at the venue indicated by the organizers. In case of absence or lateness, a candidate will be eliminated.AudienceAll rounds are open to the public.


Financial RegulationsRegistration fee30 EUR– has to be paid by international transfer by June 30, 2014. In case the applicant fails to be registered for the competition the registration fee will not be refunded.Participation fee50 EUR has to be paid by international transfer by October 1, 2014. In case the participant fails to take part in the competition the participation fee will not be refunded. Registration and participating fees must be paid by international transfer, to the following account:Jazepa Vitola Latvijas Muzikas akademija
Address: K. Barona 1, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
Reg. No.: LV 90000028796
Name of the bank: State Treasury
Account number: LV97 TREL 9154 3910 0000 0
Please write your first name and your family name in the title of the transfer.
Bank charges are payable by the candidate, the candidate should check with his bank that the competition will receive exactly 80 € net.
Travel costs and accommodation are covered by the competition participants themselves.The organizers of the competition will offer a list of hotels which are the cooperation partners of the organizers.


First prize– 2000 EUR and the title of laureate

Second prize– 1500 EUR and the title of laureate

Third prize– 1000 EUR and the title of laureateRunner-up prize – 300 EURAdditional prizes from the sponsors of the competition


The competition consists of three rounds.Conductors chosen during the preliminary selection and having been invited to participate in the competition take part in Round I.According to the decision of the jury:no more than eight competitors proceed to Round II;no more than four participants proceed to Round III.The Mixed Choir of Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music (JVLMA) participates in Round I, the Riga Chamber Choir Ave Sol and the Latvian Radio Choir participate in Round II, the State Choir Latvija, the Mixed Choir and the Symphony Orchestra of JVLMA participate in Round III. The order of the performance for Round I and title of the composition is chosen by drawing lots before each round.

Tuesday, October 28, JVLMA 

12:00Registration of the participants (Lobby)
13:00The opening ceremony, drawing lots for Round I (Organ Hall)
14:00 – 19:00An hour-long rehearsal with the two accompanists

Wednesday, October 29, JVLMA Organ Hall 

10:00 – 13:00Round I – conducting with the piano
15:00 – 18:00Round I – conducting with the piano

Thursday, October 30, JVLMA Organ Hall

10:00 – 13:00Round I – work with the Mixed Choir of JVLMA
15:00 – 18:00Round I – work with the Mixed Choir of JVLMA
19:30Announcement of the results for Round I and drawing lots for Round II

Friday, October 31, JVLMA Great Hall

10:00 – 13:00Round II – rehearsal with the Latvian Radio Choir
14:00 – 17:00Round II – rehearsal with the Riga Chamber Choir Ave Sol
19:00Round II – concert with the Latvian Radio Choir and Riga Chamber Choir Ave Sol
22:00Announcement of the results for Round II and drawing lots for Round III

Saturday, November 1, University Hall

10:00 – 14:00Round III – rehearsal with the State Choir Latvija, the Mixed Choir and the Symphony Orchestra of JVLMA
17:00Round III – concert and awarding ceremony


Performance of the participants (in rehearsals and concerts) is evaluated by an international Jury consisting of five members. The Jury acts in accordance with the Competition Regulations. The performance of participants is evaluated in points 1 to 25. The mark of the round is calculated by deleting the highest and the lowest marks and counting together the three middle range marks.In Round I the conducting with the piano and the work with the Mixed Choir of JVLMA are marked separately. After the end of the round the marks are summed up.In Round II separate marks go for the work with the Latvian Radio Choir and work with the Riga Chamber Choir Ave Sol, the performance with the Latvian Radio Choir and the performance with the Riga Chamber Choir Ave Sol. After the performances all four marks for the given competitor are summed up and the marks of Round I are added to the results of Round II.In Round III separate marks go for the rehearsal with a choir and orchestra and for the concert. Both marks are summed up. The marks for Round I and Round II are added to the mark for Round III. The resulting sum determines the prizewinning positions.The Jury reserves the right to refuse candidates, interrupt the competition, or exclude a competitor during a round without having to provide justification. If two competitors produce equal marks, the Jury has the right to divide the prize between the two competitors.Decisions of the Jury are final and beyond appeal. JURYFred Sjöberg/SwedenJörg – Peter Weigle/GermanyStojan Kuret/Slovenia, ItalyMārtiņš Ozoliņš/LatviaMāris Sirmais/Latvia


Conducting with the piano and work with the Mixed Choir of JVLMA1. The competitor conducts one vocal-instrumental piece chosen from the repertoire of Round III. The score is performed on a piano by two pianists provided by the organizer.
Pēteris Barisons Brīnumzeme (Musica Baltica Ltd) Full scorepiano score
Johannes BrahmsSchicksalslied op. 54 (Breitkopf&Härtel, EBPB 3220)Giuseppe VerdiStabat Mater/Quattro pezzi sacri (Edition Peters Nr. 4257)Rihards DubraSilence, Love and Light (Musica Baltica Ltd) Full scorepiano score2.Work with the Mixed Choir of JVLMA (20 minutes)
2.1.The competitor conductsKaraļmeita by Jāzeps Vītols without rehearsal

2.2. Work with the choir (in English) on one of the following pieces:

Francis PoulencSalve Regina(Édition Salabert, SALABERT 12039)
Felix Mendelssohn-BartholdyWarum toben die heiden(C.F.Peters, 6065)Francis Poulenc Marie(Durand, DF 12691)Benjamin BrittenWhoso dwelleth under the defence of the most high (Faber Music, ISBN 0-571-51138-4)Javier BustoO Magnum mysterium(Bustovega, BUSTO-BV1AN2)Felix Mendelssohn-BartholdyJauchzet dem Herrn(Carus Verlag, CV 70.200)Einojuhani RautavaaraCredo(Edition Fazer, F 5401314)Marek Jasinski A Hymn of Praise (Edition Ferrimontana, EF 2155)The choir has prepared these pieces in advance, the conductor works on the interpretation of the performance. The exact pieces for each contestant will be opted by drawing lots on the first day of the competition. 


Rehearsal and concert with the Latvian Radio Choir and Riga Chamber Choir Ave Sol (in English)

 1.Rehearsal with the Latvian Radio Choir (20 minutes)1.1The competitor conductsSaules svētkibyJāzeps Vītolswithout rehearsalScore1.2.The competitor prepares for the concert and conducts in the concert one of the following pieces byPēteris Vasks:Tāds gaišums/Mīlas dziesmasNo.1 (Schott Music)Un pēkšņi tāds klusums/Mīlas dziesmasNo.2 (Schott Music)Tad apstājas laiks/Mīlas dziesmasNo.3 (Schott Music)Ne lapa nekustas/Mīlas dziesmasNo.4 (Schott Music)Nosāpi , pārsāpi/Klusas dziesmasNo.1 (Scott Music, C 52564)Dusi, dusi/Klusas dziesmasNo.2 (Scott Music, C 52564)Trīs meži /Klusas dziesmas No.3 (Scott Music, C 52564)Paldies tev vēlā saule/Klusas dziesmasNo.4 (Scott Music, C 52564)The choir has prepared these pieces in advance, the competitor works on the interpretation of the performance. The Round II piece for each contestant will be opted by drawing lots in the previous evening of the performance.

 2.Rehearsal with the Riga Chamber ChoirAve Sol(20 minutes)The competitor prepares for the concert in a rehearsal with the Riga Chamber ChoirAve Soland conducts in the concert one of the following pieces:
Imant RaminshAve verum corpus(Gordon V. Thompson)Jurijus KalcasLaudate Dominum IIIScoreСергей РахманиновБлагославен Еси Господи/ Всенощное бдение (Nº 9)(Москва, Музыка, 1989)Galina GrigorjevaIn paradisum(emic.ee, GG 035)Andris DzenītisMēness starus stīgo(Musica Baltica Ltd) ScoreRudolf TobiasVivit! Ta elab!(Eres Edition, ERES 3100)Vaclovas AugustinasJerusalem, surgeScoreAнaтoлий Александрович КоролевМы не пем вина(http://www.compozitor.spb.ru, No. 2706)The choir has prepared these pieces in advance, the competitor works on the interpretation of the performance. The Round II piece for each contestant will be opted by drawing lots in the previous evening of the performance. 


Rehearsal and concert with the State Choir Latvija, Mixed Choir and Symphony Orchestra of JVLMA (in English) Each participant of Round III prepares for a concert with a choir and orchestra in a 50-minute rehearsal and performs in the concert one of the following pieces:
Pēteris Barisons
Brīnumzeme(Musica Baltica Ltd)Full score,piano scoreJohannes BrahmsSchicksalsliedop. 54 (Breitkopf&Härtel, EBPB 3220)Giuseppe VerdiStabat Mater/Quattro pezzi sacri (Edition Peters Nr. 4257)Rihards DubraSilence, Love and Light(Musica Baltica Ltd) Full score
The choir and orchestra have prepared these pieces in advance, the competitor works on the interpretation of the performance. The Round III piece for each contestant will be opted by drawing of lots in the previous evening of the performance.


Pēteris Barisons "Brīnumzeme", full scorePēteris Barisons "Brīnumzeme", piano scoreJāzeps Vītols "Karaļmeita"Jāzeps Vītols "Saules svētki"Jurijus Kalcas "Laudate Dominum III"Rihards Dubra "Silence, Love and Light", full scoreRihards Dubra "Silence, Love and Light", piano scoreAndris Dzenītis "Mēness starus stīgo"Vaclovas Augustinas "Jerusalem, surge" 


最終更新日 ( 2014/04/22 火曜日 21:19:59 JST )
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