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2011/03/16 水曜日 19:11:12 JST

ラトビア外務省 プレスレリース(翻訳:中嶋勝彦)



2011-03-14 16:02:24







日本へのラトビア人旅行者は、e -メール(embassy.japan @ mfa.gov.lv)や24時間緊急電話(+ 81 80 3449 0093)でラトビア大使館に連絡が可能である。外務省は日本にいる家族や友人の消息を知る者は24時間緊急電話(29287398)で連絡するよう求めている。

This message online: http://www.am.gov.lv/en/news/press-releases/2011/march/14-2/ UNQUOTE

 QUOTEMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia


Foreign Minister Kristovskis: Latvia's assistance to Japan will be well-focused

2011-03-14 16:02:24

During the sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers Committee today, Foreign Minister Ģirts Valdis Kristovskis urged to identify the areas where Latvia could potentially provide assistance to Japan. Rendering assistance should be well thought out and well focused, as any aid deliveries should take into account the distance, costs and effectiveness of intervention. In order to ensure concerted efforts, decisions must be taken on the Government level as to the financial limits and the type of assistance to be offered by Latvia.

 "Latvia could offer rehabilitation or recuperation programmes to the victims of the earthquake and tsunami, or a similar type of aid, because we have no possibilities of sending to Japan specially trained rescue units or machinery as other countries do; this however, must be a government decisions," the Foreign Minister indicates.  "As concerns materials and food, we have received a message from the Japanese side that, so far, local produce is being used. Should the necessity arise in foodstuffs and medical supplies, the Japanese side will notify the potential donors." On Tuesday, 15 March, the Foreign Minister will meet with the Ambassador of Japan in Latvia in order to discuss in detail the assistance Latvia could potentially provide to Japan.

A number of people have also approached the Foreign Ministry about a possibility of giving donations for Japan. All over the world, the Red Cross has opened up donations for Japan, and as from today, contributions are being received also by the Red Cross Office in Latvia.

Minister Kristovskis also indicates that the Foreign Ministry regards as its principal task the provision of consular assistance to the Latvian nationals currently in Japan. The Embassy of Latvia has information about 72 out of 76 Latvian nationals. Two people who had been closest to the earthquake epicentre in the town of Sendai have notified that they are in no danger. Several persons have already left Japan or are about to leave. The Embassy and the Foreign Ministry remain in permanent contact.

Taking advantage of the occasion, the Foreign Ministry would like to remind that the Embassy of Latvia keeps regular contact with the relevant Japanese authorities. Travellers currently in Japan can contact the Latvian Embassy by e-mail

このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。観覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にして下さい or by a round-the-clock emergency phone + 81 80 3449 0093.The Foreign Ministry requests everybody who might have information as the whereabouts of their family members and friends in the disaster-struck Japan to notify the Consular Department by a round-the-clock emergency phone 29287398.

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最終更新日 ( 2011/03/16 水曜日 19:20:05 JST )